This was a surprisingly savory Sauvignon Blanc to me, despite it’s fruitiness. It had a crisp green apple to it, but after eating the dill* it became less fruity and more crisp.
It went pretty good with the grilled salmon and side of mushroom pilaf, but given the salmon and pilaf were a “what’s in the icebox and panty” meal… I might plan better for this wine in the future. It really was a Thursday wine wasted on a Saturday night, throw something together because the plans fell through dinner.
Final Thoughts
However, there may not be a future for me with this wine… when I looked it up it’s completely out of stock at my local liquor store, and it’s not eligible to be shipped to Texas. Although, I can order direct from the winery.
*An explanation
While waiting on the salmon and pilaf to cook, we snacked on a pretzel and mustard dipping set we were gifted. The wine went well with it – and the mustard with dill really brought out the apple. So, I wish I could have you believe it was a fancy appetizer, I cannot. Sometimes you just have to make do with what’s in the house and it’s too hot to go anywhere.