This cab was paired with grilled chili ribeye steak with bourbon maple butter, southwestern cream corn and potatoes au gratin.
No, I did not eat the whole steak. I’ll post later about what I did with the half I didn’t eat and tell you about that. I probably won’t pair it with the Daou Cabernet Sauvignon.
A Bold Cab
This is a bold cab to go with a big hearty steak. I don’t think I could put this one with anything but steak. Some cabs you can put with a lasagna, but not this one. This one needs the heartiness of the beef (or if you prefer a grilled portobello mushroom).
To me, its the bold cab that give cabs a bad name. It’s not a sipping cabernet. You are definitely not going to curl up in front of the fire pit / fire place and just enjoy this cab and have a conversation. It has a Wednesday, verging on Thursday price point at about $30/bottle. And you could drink it on a Wednesday, especially if you’re hosting friends mid-week. But it is a wine I’d recommend you put with a specific dinner. Note, I don’t say special occasion – I wouldn’t put it in that category – but it is a wine that requires planning. You can’t really just grab it out of the wine rack and expect it to go with everything.
I don’t think I’ve seen this at any of my local grocery stores, or even specialty grocers. I think if I want to serve it I’ll need to track it down at a liquor store.
Final Thoughts
I asked another diner what they thought of the cabernet. They weren’t quite sure what I meant, so I rephrased the question to “who would you serve this to, if you were serving.” The response says it all…
I’d serve this to my lover and my wife the rosé
-Wine Dinner Quotes