Daou Sequentis Merlot

The Sequentis Merlot is delightfully smooth

I know merlots have a bad rap, but this one has literally no tannin bite to it.

The Downside

It’s a Saturday price point. I found it online for between $40 and $120 per bottle.

It was wasted on the southwest beef and polenta sliders. They were delicious, but this wine needs a good solid new york strip steak with just a little bit of peppercorn sauce.

This is definitely a liquor store varietal, though with the right high-end grocery store (read Whole Foods) you might be able to get it. It’s a date night wine.

It’s an impress your in-laws (who don’t drink much) with this bottle. Just hope they don’t love it and want to buy a bottle themselves.

This pairs well with Marlborough flatware – meaning it’s fancy but not fussy (like Francis I).

Final Thoughts

I like this one so much I might just drink it on a Thursday to reward myself for making it through the week…

Sequentis – as you can see, it’s been well poured.

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