Daou, Rosé

From the April 2022 Wine Dinner

Dauo is based in Paso Robles, California. Really interesting history of the family immigrating from Lebanon.

The Rosé

It was nice for a rosé, not too sticky sweet. I’d call it a porch pounder because while I didn’t like it a first when it was super cold, as it reached room temperature it was very drinkable. I had two glasses to go with Randy’s hors d’oevres of stuffed jalapeños and mini-beef skewers.

Truthfully, the sweet with the spice was a bit much for me. It didn’t kill the spice enough for me like other rosé wines have in the past. But just sitting and sipping while conversing – it was great. So, I can see myself hosting an impromptu get together on the porch and pulling this out of the ice box, or if I haven’t anticipated that on Friday night the neighbors will converge on my porch, I won’t feel bad serving it at room temperature.

More of a girly wine than something for the men, so if you’re hosting an impromptu get-together, better hope the beer fridge is stocked.

Final Thoughts

This is a solid rosé for a girls night, book club, or just a Monday night. It’s less than $20/bottle so it’s also good for a big pool party with nibbles when it’s hotter than – well, you know – out there.

Stuffed Jalapeños and Mini-Beef Skewers paired with Daou’s Rosé

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